18th Annual Fashion Conference: "Pioneers"

Основные темы: выращенные алмазы, выращенные бриллианты, синтетические алмазы, синтетические бриллианты, HPHT алмазы, HPHT бриллианты, экологически чистые бриллианты, бесконфликтные бриллианты
In the 18th annual New York Fashion conference, IAC celebrates pioneers from all corners of the industry. From those who create new materials to those who use traditional materials in innovative ways; designers who embrace revolutionary techniques to accomplish the previously unrealizable—or even unimaginable; those who fundamentally reimagine the commercial enterprises they lead, aligning their business goals not simply with the implacable demands of the bottom line but with the larger needs of the societies and environments in which they operate; those who incorporate, capture and document it all.
Receptions and book-signings complement lectures, panels, and conversations.
Among the participants:
Adriano Goldschmied, Alvyda Kupinas, Amish Shah, André Leon Talley, Andrea Hill, Adriano Goldschmied, Carly Cushnie, Chris Del Gatto, Eileen Fisher, Erin Isakov, Evert deGraeve, Gary Wassner, Jean Hegedus, Jeffrey P. Silberman, Jenny Luker, Jim Tuttle, Jo Confino, Joe Ferrara, Jose Hess, Joseph Kuzi, Joshua Katcher, Kara Nicholas, Kate Black, Kevin Reilly, Kimberly McDonald, Kristy Caylor, Larry Bock, Lauren Croke, Lloyd Pasach, Lucy Jones, Margo Isadora, Mark Schneider, Michelle Ochs, Mickey Alam Khan, Nikolay Khikhinashvili, Nili Lotan, Pat Cleveland, Paul W. Nort III, Ralph Rucci, Rie Yano, Robert Burke, Sara Kozlowski, Simon Bath, Stephen Burrows, Susan Helmich, Susan Scafidi, Teresa Frye, Teri Agins, Tricia Carey, Valerie Steele, Whitney Boin.